All the candidates are requested to register their details
History reveals the success..
After registration shortlisted candidates list will be published
Candidates have to present to the location with the original documents
Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC), which is India’s flagship energy major and a ‘Maharatna’ Central Public Sector Enterprise engaged in Exploration and Production of Oil & Gas in India and abroad, as a measure of Skill Building initiative for the Nation, proposes to engage internship at its location across 23 (including allied institutions) work centres.
Applications are invited from candidates meeting qualifications for enrollment of Internship . Before Registration Canditates have to read the information brochure and follow the instruction
Before applying here for ONGC Prime Minister, candidates have to Check the eligiblity. Canditate
- Candidates should not be in employment
- Candidates should not engaged in full time education
- Candidates should not qualified from IIT,IIM,IISER, CA, CMA etc
- Any members of candidate's family should not be assessed to Income tax
- Any members of candidate's family should not be is a government employee, etc
- Eligibly of candidates to be based on self declaration
1. Active Email id
2. Active Mobile Number
3. Education Certificate
4. SSLC/SSC/Metric Marksheet
5. Community Certificate(if Applicable)
6. PAN Number (if Available)
7. Aadhar Number
Click the "Registration" link in the header
1. Enter your Active / Valid Email ID as user ID
2. Enter Password (8 characters)
3. Enter your Mobile No.
4. Enter your Pincode
5. Enter Name (as First Middle Last)
6. Date of Birth ( Same as in 10th/ SSC Certificate )
7. Select the prefered workcentre
8. Select the Discipline you are applying for (Check Information Brochure)
9. Select the Qualification
10. Click the Register button
Click the "login" link in the header
1. User have to login with registered User ID / Password.
2. Kindly Fill the data as required and submit.
3. Select the Print application link to print the Application for futrure reference
1.The Internship Scheme candidates are eligible for monthly stipend , during their period of engagement.
2. The trainee is not eligible for any TA-DA/Boarding or Lodging expenses incurred during the period of training. ONGC will not provide any financial assistance towards transportation.
3. Selections for engagement of Internship candidates would be based on the basis of marks obtained and Merit drawn. In case of a similar number in merit, a person with higher age would be considered. No canvassing or influencing would be acceptable at any time and may render for non-consideration.
4. Reservation of positions will be followed as per Government of India Policy on SC/ST/OBC/PWD categories.
1. Date of opening online portal : XX.XX.XXXX 11:00 Hrs
2. Last date of submission of online application : XX.XX.XXXX by 18:00 Hrs
3. Tentative date of Result / Selection : XX.XX.XXXX
Regd Office : Pandit Deendayal Upadhyaya Urja Bhawan